Kali ini saya akan upload Al-Quran yang bagus buat di android, yah itung-itung amal kan baca Al-Quran dapet pahala hehe langsung aja ya :)
** iQuran will now be sold for a fraction of its original price, down to $1.99 from $6.99. InshAllah
** the new price effectively makes iQuran 'free' as it now reflect only some of the costs we need to cover for
** the fast and excellent audio download service we provide. We thank you for your support all these years.
** BarakAllahufikum and Ramadan Kareem.
** iQuran will now be sold for a fraction of its original price, down to $1.99 from $6.99. InshAllah
** the new price effectively makes iQuran 'free' as it now reflect only some of the costs we need to cover for
** the fast and excellent audio download service we provide. We thank you for your support all these years.
** BarakAllahufikum and Ramadan Kareem.